12.06 / June 2006
Volume 12, Number 6

About This Particular Macintosh: About the personal computing experience™
The ATPM Staff
Publisher/Editor-in-Chief | Michael Tsai |
Managing Editor | Christopher Turner |
Associate Editor/Reviews | Paul Fatula |
Copy Editors | Chris Lawson |
Ellyn Ritterskamp | |
Brooke Smith | |
Vacant | |
Web Editor | Lee Bennett |
Webmaster | Michael Tsai |
Beta Testers | The Staff |
Contributing Editors | Eric Blair |
Matthew Glidden | |
Ted Goranson | |
Andrew Kator | |
Robert Paul Leitao | |
Wes Meltzer | |
David Ozab | |
Sylvester Roque | |
Charles Ross | |
Mark Tennent | |
Evan Trent | |
Vacant |
Artwork & Design
Layout and Design | Michael Tsai |
Web Design | Simon Griffee |
Cartoonist | Matt Johnson |
Blue Apple Icon Designs | Mark Robinson |
Other Art | RD Novo |
Graphics Director | Vacant |
RD Novo, Robert Madill, Belinda Wagner, Jamal Ghandour, Edward Goss, Tom Iovino, Daniel Chvatik, Grant Osborne, Gregory Tetrault, Raena Armitage, Johann Campbell.
Eric Blair, Paul Fatula, Matthew Glidden, Matt Johnson, Chris Lawson, Robert Paul Leitao, Wes Meltzer, Sylvester Roque, Charles Ross, Mark Tennent, Evan Trent Macintosh users like you.
Where to Find ATPM
Online and downloadable issues are available at the ATPM Web Site. ATPM is a product of ATPM, Inc. © 1995-2006. All Rights Reserved. ISSN: 1093-2909.
Production Tools
Apache, AppleScript, BBEdit, Cocoa, Docutils, DropDMG, FileMaker Pro, GraphicConverter, LaTeX, Mesh, make, Mailman, Mojo Mail, MySQL, Perl, Photoshop Elements, PyObjC, Python, rsync, Snapz Pro X, ssh, Subversion, Super Get Info.
Articles, original art, and desktop pictures may not be reproduced without the express permission of the author or artist, unless otherwise noted. You may, however, print or distribute copies of this issue of ATPM as a whole, provided that it is not modified in any way. Authors may be contacted through ATPM’s editorial staff, or at their e-mail addresses, when provided.
Legal Stuff
About This Particular Macintosh may be uploaded to any online area or included on a CD-ROM compilation, so long as the file remains intact and unaltered, but all other rights are reserved. All information contained in this issue is correct to the best of our knowledge. The opinions expressed in ATPM are not necessarily those of the entire ATPM staff. Product and company names and logos may be registered trademarks of their respective companies. Thank you for reading this far, and we hope that the rest of the magazine is more interesting than this.
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Thanks for reading ATPM.
Reader Comments (4)
I love your ATPM cover for this month! Its delicate hues and soft "high-tech" look remind me at once of the "hall of mirrors" with its seemingly infinite perspective, and a favorite of faux-high-tech mid-Eighties looks in interior design in the US; and your treatment also evokes for me the delicate "Shagreen", egg-shell/lacquer and "Coromandel" screens of the 1920's and 1930's designed by famous artists and designers such as Pierre Dinand etc.
And the colors are just exquisite.
Thank you for such a lovely, retro/modern composition. It's one of my favorite covers!
Thank you.
Catherine von Dennefeld
Design Director
Eternal Rings
It's nice to hear that you liked the cover.
Sorry being soooo late to tell you that.
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